"Pasaran Gaharu masih luas....Hanya kita yang perlu melihat dengan lebih jelas "
Salam ceria buat semua,
Hari ini kita akan memperkatakan tentang pasaran pokok gaharu..Mungkin ramai yang masih ragu2 tentang potensi pokok hutan ini...Ada yang berkata itu ini......
" Betul ke pokok gaharu ni ada pasaran..."
" Tipu je kot, nak lakukan anak pokok diorang cakap la camtu..."
" Nanti dh penat tunggu 5 tahun, pasaran xde...cmne?"
InsyaAllah, pada hari ini kita akan lihat sikit pasaran berkenaan pokok gaharu ini.
1) Di petik dari Jakarta Post (2 Februari 2010)
The booming gaharu business over the last three decades has caused a shortage in the supply of the resinous heartwood. Prices vary, from Rp 30 million per kilogram for gaharu of super king quality on the market of Samarinda, East Kalimantan, to Rp 6.5 million per kilogram for kacangan B. Meanwhile, chairman of the Indonesian Gaharu Association (ASGARIN), Mashur, said Indonesia had the potential to produce significant amounts of gaharu. To increase the welfare of the nation, the government should tehrefore encourage the cultivation of gaharu-producing trees. "I think if we succeed in cultivating gaharu-producing trees in Indonesia, the country will rise from poverty. People claiming Indonesia's gaharu-producing trees are under threat are mistaken, as it is very easy to grow these trees.
2) Report By Traffic East-Asia-Taipei and Traffic Southest Asia - The Trade and Use of Agarwood in Taiwan, Province of China
The majority of agarwood was imported to Taiwan under the category of Ch'en Hsiang (medical agarwood) for both medicinal and non-medicinal purposes. The continuing availability of the Ch'en Hsiang quality is increasingly uncertain, and some medical traders believe that it is doubtful whether much of the agarwood described or categorized as Ch'en Hsiang is of such a high quality. The main sources of all agarwood imported to Taiwan are Indonesia (70.69%), Vietnam (18.24%), Thailand (6.35%) and Malaysia (3.06%) over the period 1999 to 2003. The annual imported volume directly affected by, and fluctuated in accordance with, the domestic economic conditions in
3) James Campton ( Traffic Southeast Asia) & Akiko Ishihara ( Traffic East-Asia Japan) - The Trade and Use of Agarwood In Japan
In term of the global trade in agarwood, Japan rates behind the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia as the most important end-destination markets, other than that Taiwan in terms of A.malaccensis trade import volumes according to CITES Annual Report Data held at UNEP-WCMC. Taiwan is the most important final destination market for A.malaccensis, and Singapore plays the paramount role as a re-exporter of A.malaccensis sourced primarily from Indonesia and Malaysia. Hong Kong plays a decreasing, but still significant, role as a re-exporting entrepot in the global market.
4) Agarwood Market Demand
Demand for Agarwood products in the Middle East significantly exceeds Eastern Asia. One well known Saudi Arabian retailer specializing in oud (agar oil) has over 550 retail outlets across 17 countries with over 600,000 customers and is one of the world’s largest perfume retailers in a market worth US$ 3.3 billion a year. The company imports 45 tonnes of unprocessed Agarwood yearly to produce 400 different fragrances with oud as the basic ingredient and has a production capacity of 30 million bottles of perfume a year.
Berdasarkan beberapa petikan di atas, dapat dilihat bahawa industri gaharu ini begitu meluas dan sentiasa mempunyai pasaran yang lumayan. Jadi anda tidak perlu risau lagi berkenaan permasalahan pasaran bagi industri gaharu ini.
Selamat Mencuba!!!
Perintis Usahawan Gaharu Malaysia